Create and Edit Recall Reasons

Helix is provided with a variety of common recall reasons, but you can also create your own.


  1. Access Recall Management settings.
  2. Select the Recall Reasons tab.
    Example recall reasons
  3. Before creating a new recall reason, check that the recall reason doesn't already exist: for long lists, enter a search term in the Search iconSearch field.
  4. To create a new recall reason, click Recall Reason.
  5. In the Recall Reason panel, enter a descriptive name for the recall reason, and indicate the default time period for the reason.
    Example new recall reason
  6. Click Save.


The new recall reason is active and available to use.

What to do next

You can delete or edit a custom recall reason:
  • To delete a recall reason, click Delete iconDelete.
  • To edit a recall reason, click Edit iconEdit and change the required information.