My Health Record

Securely upload a patient's health data to their My Health Record.

You can upload your patient's Shared Health Summary, including medications to a patient's My Health Record. You can also view CDA documentation that was created for the patient and uploaded from another practice.

Documents managed via My Health Record are done so securely. To enable access to the My Health Record system:
  • For the centre:
  • For the practitioner:
    • Healthcare professional must be set in their user details. For more information, see Staff Details.
    • HPI-I must be recorded.
    • Participate in My Health Record must be set in their user details. For more information, see Provider Details.
  • For patients:
    • Must have a valid Medicare and IHI number.
    • Must have consented to their information being uploaded to My Health Record. For more information, see Patient Preferences.
When upload to My Health Record is enabled, in the patient record:
  • IHI icon in patient headerIHI is displayed in the patient header
  • My Health Record icon in Health SummaryMy Health Record is displayed in the Health Summary iconHealth Summary
For example:
Example patient connected to My Health Record