Authority Medications

Prescribe authority medications in Helix.

Streamlined Authority Medication

When a PBS medication is listed under the streamlined authority rules, a streamlined authority approval number is automatically added to a prescription.

If a medication is Unrestricted, Private, Streamlined Authority, Written Authority, or Restricted, and the quantity or repeats are not changed, the prescription can be saved and printed immediately.

If there are multiple approval numbers, choose the appropriate indication. In the example below, there are two Restricted options to choose from (Peptic Ulcer treatment and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome). After you have selected one of these, the dosage directions window is displayed.

Example restricted authority

Repeat interval

If there are repeats, depending on the medication and your jurisdiction, for Schedule 8 and some Schedule 4 drugs, in the Interval (days) field, specify the minimum number of days required before a repeat can be filled by the pharmacy. An interval is required in the following instances:
  • Schedule 8 and Schedule 4B - NSW
  • Schedule 8 and Schedule 4D - TAS
  • Schedule 8 - ACT, NT, QLD, WA

If an interval is not specified in for these drugs, the prescription is invalid

Authority Medication

If a previous authority was recorded for this medication, set Previous Authority.

If the medication requires a new phone authority, follow the instructions to gain the Authority.

The Authority Script number is generated for you. You must enter the Approval Number, and Reason for Authority in the prescription.

Example authority prescription

The Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme (PBS) code is printed on Authority prescriptions to assist the pharmacies in accurate dispensing and billing.

Example printed authority prescription