Edit an Immunisation Record

If the AIR instructs you to, edit the record of an immunisation administered to a patient at your practice that was not successfully transmitted.

Before you begin


If an immunisation was incorrectly transmitted to the AIR, contact Services Australia directly. For more information, see Services Australia Portal.

  • View Immunisations
  • Update Immunisations

About this task

When instructed to by the AIR, update the details of an immunisation in a patient's Health Summary iconHealth Summary.


To edit an immunisation record:
  1. Select Immunisation IconImmunisation > Practice Immunisations tab.
    Practice Immunisation - Edit
  2. Select the required immunisation and click Edit buttonEdit.
  3. In the Immunisation panel, update the required details.
  4. Click Save.


The updated immunisation is transmitted to the AIR.
Edit Result - Local Record
If you updated an immunisation that has already been successfully transmitted to the AIR, you must also update the patient's immunisation on the AIR site, which might involve contacting Services Australia directly. For more information, see Services Australia Portal.