Immunisation Schedules

Specify immunisation schedules in Helix

You can specify multiple immunisation schedules, that cover a range of diseases and available vaccines, and specify when the schedule becomes active and available for your practitioners to use.

You can manage upcoming changes to National or State Schedules: make the changes in advance and set an activation date, which will make the changes available to your clinical staff at the right time.

Alternatively, you can use this system to limit the range of vaccines available to your clinical staff. For example, you may have an excess of a particular vaccine in stock, and you want your practitioners to use this in preference to others.

There are three steps to configuring a schedule:

  1. Specify which diseases the schedule covers.
  2. Specify which vaccines are available to deal with the diseases you selected.
  3. Build the schedule which lists the diseases covered by it, the types of patients eligible for each vaccination type, and when the schedule is available for use.