Confidential Consult Notes

Mark a consult as confidential if the information it contains is sensitive and you want to restrict the audience.

Before you begin

  • View Timeline
  • View Patient
  • View Consult Notes
  • Create Confidential Consult Notes or Administer Confidential Consult Notes for All Users


To mark a consult as confidential:
  1. In the Patient Timeline iconPatient Timeline, from the Show filter, select Consult iconConsult.
  2. For the required consult, select More iconEllipsis > Mark as Confidential.
    Mark a consult as confidential


For the author, or those with the Administer Confidential Consult Notes for All Users permission, the following view is displayed:
Consult note marked as confidential as viewed by author
For other users, the details of the note are obfuscated: xxxxxx is displayed instead of the details of the consult note; the reason for visit and comments are hidden.
Confidential consult note view for users other than the author

What to do next

To remove the confidential flag for a consult's notes, select More iconEllipsis > Unmark as Confidential.