Delete Your Recipes

Delete medication recipes that are no longer used.

Before you begin

  • View Medications
  • Update Drug Recipes

About this task

Users who created a drug recipe can delete it if they have the Update Drug Recipes permission.


To delete a drug recipe:
  1. From the PatientPatient Search or Patient Queue iconPatient Queue, select a patient and click Consult buttonConsult.
  2. Open the Recipes panel.
    Example drug recipes
    • In the Health SummaryHealth Summary:
      1. Click + Medication.
      2. Go to the Medication History iconMedication > Recipes panel.
    • In the Consult buttonConsult panel:
      1. Select Prescription iconPrescription.
      2. Go to the Prescription iconPrescription > Recipes panel.
  3. For any recipe that you have created that you want to delete, click Delete iconDelete.


The drug recipe is removed from the drug recipe list for all users. No-one will be able to create new prescriptions using this recipe, however the recipe can be represcribed from a patient's medication list.