Import a Document

Upload a document to Helix, classify it and assign it to a patient and HCP.

About this task

You can upload a single document or multiple documents simultaneously.

A maximum of 25 documents can be uploaded at one time. The file size of each document cannot exceed 30 MB. Supported file formats are JPG, TIFF and PDF.


  1. To access the Message Centre, in the Helix main menu, select Message Centre iconMessage Centre.
  2. Click DMS.
    Helix panel menu with Message Centre > DMS selected
  3. Click Upload File(s).
  4. Locate and select the files you want to upload and click Open.
    The files are uploaded and added to the bottom of the list of uploaded or scanned files. In this example, 7 documents have been uploaded.
    Document Management Screen showing nine uploaded documents
  5. Select one document at a time and add the following information:
    • Patient - patient in whose record you want to file the documents
    • HCP - assign to the patient's practitioner for review, such as follow up or recall.
    • Assign to HCP - file a copy of the document in the selected practitioner's Message Centre iconMessage Centre > Inbox.
    • Document type - classify the document as a specific type, so that the document can be easily found in a patient’s timeline using the History filter iconHistory filter.
    • Document source - the name of the uploaded document.
    • Document date - the date on which you received the document. The date on which it was uploaded is populated automatically. Update the date if required.
    • Flag the document if required.
      Optional flag selections
      Table 1. Optional document flags
      Flag Description
      Bad scan icon Flag as a bad scan.
      Example bad scan flag
      Patient not found icon Indicate that the associated patient could not be found in the system.
      Example patient not found flag
      Documents flagged in this way can be left in the system until you have created a record for the patient.
      Custom reason icon Add a custom flag.
      Example custom reason flag
      Delete icon Delete the selected document.
  6. Click File & Next.


The document is saved, removed from the DMS and displayed in the Patient Timeline iconPatient Timeline for the selected patient.

Documents assigned to a healthcare provider for review, for which Assign to HCP is set, are also displayed in the Message Centre iconMessage Centre > Inbox for that provider.

What to do next

Documents can be actioned from the Message Centre iconMessage Centre > Inbox or Patient Timeline iconPatient Timeline.