Add Comments to Recalls

Add a comment to a recall.

About this task

Contact history by practice staff, and status changes for the recall are automatically listed in the recall comments. A count of comment entries is shown on the Comments button.

You can also add a comment manually.


To add a comment about a recall:
  1. In the recall, click Comments buttonComments.
  2. In the Comment field, enter your comment.
  3. For urgent recalls, if you have contacted the patient directly:
    • To record a successful contact attempt, click Success buttonSuccess. In the Successful attempt field, enter a comment indicating that the patient was contacted. Click Record Success. Successful contacts are added to the list of Contacted recalls in the Message Centre iconMessage Centre > Recalls tab. For more information, see Message Centre.
    • To record an unsuccessful contact attempt, click Failed buttonFailed. In the Unsuccessful attempt field, enter a comment indicating that the patient could not be contacted. Click Record Failure.