Record Measurements

Record metabolic, pathology and ECG measurements in the Consult window.


To record measurements:
  1. From the PatientPatient Search or Patient Queue iconPatient Queue, select a patient and click Consult buttonConsult.
  2. In the Consult panel, click Measurements.
    Example Measurements pane
    If you can't see this option in the Consult toolbar, click more iconMore.
  3. To expand a pane and display a measurement, click Expand iconExpand.
    In some sections, to display a chart of that data, click Charts iconCharts.
  4. To record new measurements in a pane, click Add data iconAdd Data and enter measurements in the editable fields.
    Example measurement data
    If the value is outside the normal range, a message is displayed, and the box is highlighted.
  5. To access a device and capture its data, click Devices iconDevices.


As data is entered and a new field selected, the data is added to a row in the history.

When Add data iconAdd Data is selected in the INR section (within Pathology), the New Dose from the previous entry becomes the Current Dose for this entry.

If a patient's blood pressure and weight measurements are entered into the Measurements panel, these values are displayed in the Obstetrics panel. Likewise, if weight or blood pressure is entered in the Obstetrics panel, they are displayed in the Measurements panel.

In the Renal section, the GFR value is calculated and added only if the weight value (Body Measurements) and the creatinine value (Renal) are entered. If no weight has been recorded for this patient, then a message Weight Required is displayed in the GFR field.

Measurement data added during a consult to either the Measurements iconMeasurements panel or the Consult buttonConsult panel is displayed in the Actions section of the patient's record.
Example measurements in the Actions section

What to do next

When the consult is ended, any measurements recorded are added to the consult entry in the patient's Timeline, flagged with the Measurements iconMeasurements icon.
Example timeline
To display the related measurements data, click Measurements icon Measurements.
Example measurements in the timeline
You can delete data on the same day in which it was recorded. In the required section, click Delete data iconDelete Data.