Record Measurements Using Shortcuts

Add measurements data directly into the Consult window using keyboard shortcuts.

About this task


To add measurements directly to the consult:
  1. From the PatientPatient Search or Patient Queue iconPatient Queue, select a patient and click Consult buttonConsult.
  2. Click within the Consult panel to add your insert point. In our example below, we clicked within the History section.
  3. Type \ to call the shortcut menu, then type the shortcut text. For example, we typed \bp to call Blood Pressure shortcuts.
    Example BP shortcuts
  4. Select the module you want to use. We selected the first option, BP.
    Example BP module
  5. Record your observations.
  6. Click Save.


Your data is added to the consult.
Example measurements recorded in a Consult
Measurement data added during a consult to either the Measurements iconMeasurements panel or the Consult buttonConsult panel is displayed in the Actions section of the patient's record.
Example measurements in the Actions section
When the consult is ended, any measurements recorded are added to the consult entry in the patient's Timeline, flagged with the Measurements iconMeasurements icon.
Example timeline
To display the related measurements data, click Measurements icon Measurements.
Example measurements in the timeline
You can delete data on the same day in which it was recorded. In the required section, click Delete data iconDelete Data.