Cancel Recurring Appointments

Users with access to the Appointments IconAppointments book can cancel the patient's appointment series.

Before you begin

  • View Appointments
  • View All Appointment Books
  • Edit Appointments
  • Create Appointments
  • Delete Appointments
You must first create a recurring appointment for the patient.

About this task

Cancel the patient's appointment series for selected and future appointments from the Appointments section.


To cancel recurring appointments:
  1. In the Appointments IconAppointments book, select the appointment you want to cancel.
  2. Click Edit.
    Alternatively, double click the required appointment.
  3. In the Appointment details section, select current recurring event.
  4. From current recurring event list, select Does not repeat.
  5. Click Save.
  6. After you have saved the appointment details, in the Edit recurring event panel, select:
    Cancel Recurring event
    • This and all following events - selected event is cancelled or separated from the series. The future events are be deleted from the series and past events remain retained.
    • All events - selected event is removed from the series and all other events are permanently deleted from the series.
  7. Click Save.


After you have canceled the recurring event, the selected appointment is removed from the series and future appointments are permanently deleted from the Appointments IconAppointments book.