Inbox Actions

Manage results and messages in the Inbox.

  • View Results
  • Action Results
You can take the following actions in the Inbox.
Table 1. Actions you can perform in the Inbox
Function Action
Reassign HCP iconReassign HCP Select the Inbox item, then another practitioner to assign the selected Inbox items to. This button is only available if you have selected at least one Inbox item.
Patient list Filter the Inbox to show either items where there is a matching patient or items with no matching patient record.
Practitioner list Filter the Inbox to show items that are associated with any practitioner, a specific practitioner, or are not associated with a practitioner.
Status list Filter the Inbox to show items are flagged as either New, need to be Followed-up, have been Actioned, or have been Deleted.
Match patient iconMatch patient If you think a message should be assigned to a different patient, select the message, click Match Patient, enter the practitioner's name, and select the correct patient.
Previous itemPrevious

Next itemNext

Click to display the previous or next Inbox item.
ExpandExpand To view an enlarged version of any images, click Expand iconExpand. The expanded message displays lab reference details and the date information related to the result displayed in the result header.

Report View the associated report.
View Image View the associated image.
Add new comment
  • Update Inbox Comments
Record a comment about the message. Enter the comment and click Add. Comments are displayed in the Comment column.
Add new comment field
Print iconPrint Print the selected message.
Delete IconDelete
  • Delete Documents
Delete the selected message. Deleted items can be restored for up to 30 days, after which they are archived.
Reset Reset a message that has been marked as Follow-up or Actioned. The message returns to a status of New.
Follow up After a message has been associated with a patient and practitioner, mark the message as having been followed-up. The message moves to the Follow-up list of messages in the left-hand panel. Any actions that were taken are displayed in the Comment column.
  • View Recalls
  • Update Recalls
Schedule a recall regarding the message. After the recall is added, the status of the message changes to Actioned and the message is displayed in the Actioned list. Any actions that were taken are displayed in the Comment column.
Urgent Recall
  • View Recalls
  • Update Recalls
  • View Recall Medical Notes
Schedule an urgent recall regarding the message. After the recall is added, the status of the message changes to Actioned and the message is displayed in the Actioned list. Any actions that were taken are displayed in the Comment column.
Discussed Mark the message as having been discussed with the patient. The status of the message changes to Actioned and the message is displayed in the Actioned list. Any actions that were taken are displayed in the Comment column.
No action required Mark the message as not requiring any action. The status of the message changes to Actioned and the message is displayed in the Actioned list. Any actions that were taken are displayed in the Comment column.