Outbox Actions

View messages in the Outbox.

  • View Outbox List
  • View Outbox Item
You can take the following actions in the Outbox.
Table 1. Actions you can perform in the Outbox
Function Action
Search iconSearch Search for the documents relating to a specific patient.
My Items or All Items toggle button Display the documents sent by you, or by all healthcare practitioners.
Previous item buttonPrevious Click to display the previous inbox item.
Next item buttonNext Click to display the next inbox item.
Expand buttonExpand Click to view an enlarged version of the document.
Previous page button Previous page Click to display the previous page of the document.
Next page buttonNext page Click to display the next page of the document.
Fit document to page width buttonFit width Click to display the document to fit the screen width.
Fit the whole page to the screen sizeFit page Click to fit the whole document page to the screen size.
Zoom percentage selectionZoom Select the zoom percentage to display the document.