Enable SMS for Rescheduled Appointments

Configure your centre so that you can manually send SMS reminders for rescheduled appointments to patients.

Before you begin

  • Update Centre Settings
  • Set up and send patient SMS

About this task


To enable manual SMS reminders for rescheduled appointments:
  1. Select User iconuser > Settings iconSettings.
  2. Select Centre > Centre Settings .
  3. In the Centre Management window, hover your mouse over the required centre and select Edit > SMS tab.
  4. Toggle Enable SMS for appointment reminders to on.
  5. If required, to customise the message, in the Message field:
    • Select and edit the default message.
    • To add appointment details or demographics fields, click + Add field, and select the required fields from the list.
    • To delete an existing field from the message, click Appointment Reminders - Delete IconDelete.

    Manual SMS reminder - Rescheduled appointments
  6. Click Save.


After it has been enabled, the Send rescheduled SMS reminder field is displayed in the Appointments details section. For more information about sending a rescheduled appointment SMS reminder manually, see Reschedule an Appointment Time or Date.