Track SMS

Track the delivery status of SMS messages sent from Helix.

SMS messages sent from Helix are listed on the Message Centre iconMessage Centre > Comms Log tab.
Example SMS messages in the Comms Log
The Comms Log displays the recipient, details of the SMS message, including the centre from which it was sent and the first 250 characters of the message, and the status of the SMS. Messages may have a status of one of the following:
  • Successfully Delivered - Helix has received confirmation that the SMS has been delivered to the recipient.
  • Request Sent - the SMS message has been sent to the SMS provider.
  • Request Pending - the SMS message is queued for sending.
  • Request Failed - the SMS message could not be sent and has not been delivered to the recipient.
If required filter the messages: select an SMS message type from the Message Type list.
Table 1. Message types
SMS message type Message type filter in Comms Log
Automatic appointment reminders Appt. Reminder
SMS sent automatically when an appointment is rescheduled Appt. Rescheduled
Appointment updates or information sent manually Appt. Book SMS
SMS sent manually from the patient record to an individual Ad Hoc SMS