Examination Categories

Record examination information in the relevant category.

Table 1. Examination categories
Category Description
General Record general information from your examination, such as the patient's colour, hydration, and other information.
CVS Record cardiovascular system information from your examination.
Respiratory Record respiratory information.
Abdomen Record abdominal tenderness and PR exam information. Annotate a drawing if required.
CNS Record Central Nervous System information.
GU Record Genitourinary urinalysis results, loin tenderness and, in male patients, information related to male reproductive organs.
Musculo-Skeletal Record musculo-skeletal injury, joint problems, and so on.
Endocrine Rrcord endocrine information, incuding thyroid information.
Lymphatic Record lymphatic enlargement. Annotate a drawing if required.
Skin Classify and record lesions. Annotate a drawing if required.
ENT Record ear, nose and throat abnormalities.
Eye Record visual acuity. Annotate a drawing if required.
Gynae For female patients only, record gynaecological information related to female reproductive organs.
Breast For female patients only, record breast lumps and other information and annotate a drawing if required.
Drawing Free drawing area where you can illustrate problems further.