Keyboard Short Cuts

Use the general keyboard short cuts to access administrative and finance areas in Helix.

Table 1. Keyboard Short Cuts and Features
Short Cut Feature
F2 Patient Search
F3 Patient Queue
F4 Appointments
F5 Batch
F6 Workers Compensation
F7 Receipt
F8 Bank
F9 Transaction History of All Claims for an Account Holder
F10 Recalls
F11 Tasks
F12 DMS or Inbox1
Alt + V Create Visit
Ctrl + F2 Create New Patient Record
Ctrl + F3 Expand or Collapse Patient Demographics Header
Ctrl + F9 Patient Ledger
Ctrl + Alt + U System Alerts

For clinical keyboard short cuts, see Keyboard Short Cuts for Consults.

1 Based on user permissions, Helix opens either the DMS section (for clinical staff) or Inbox section (for HCPs).