Record an Allergy

Add a patient's drug allergies to their record.

About this task


  1. Within the patient's record, locate and click Check For Allergies/Adverse Reactions button at the top of the window. The Medication Precautions form appears.
    • This form contains a section for entering allergy information.
    • If the patient already has allergies recorded, the button will list them, as in this example: Example list of recorded allergies
    • If you enter an allergy not known to the system, it will be considered 'non-coded', and will not be safety-checked against medications you prescribe. Safety-checked allergies are flagged with the Green tick icon icon (see example below).

      Medication Precautions window, showing list of allergies and adverse reactions

  2. To add a new allergy, click in the Enter Allergy /Adverse Reaction field, and type the name of the allergy.
    • If you enter an allergy not known to the system, it will be considered 'non-coded', and will not be safety-checked against medications you prescribe. Safety-checked allergies are flagged with the Green tick icon icon (see example image in Step 3, below).
    • If you select a brand or trade product, you must indicate whether the allergy is related to Ingredient, Drug Class or Brand, and then record the type of reaction.
      Brand selected in Allergy/Adverse Reaction list

      Message confirming that allergy applies to a specific brand of medication

      Completed allergy record


An alert is displayed if you attempt to prescribe something the patient is allergic to. Red indicates highest severity, followed by orange, and then yellow.
Example allergy alert message