Patient Queue Details

Each patient entry in the Patient Queue includes the following information.

Table 1. Patient queue information
Column Description
Status The first column displays the patient's status after they have arrived at the clinic.
Patient status in the Patient Queue
  • Patient waiting icon The patient is waiting and how long they have been waiting.
  • In Consultation icon The patient is in a consultation, and how long they have been there.
  • Consultation Finished icon The patient's consult has ended.
  • Patient Left icon The patient did not wait.
In The patient's arrival time.
Patient's arrival time shown in the Patient Queue
Appt Time The patient's appointment time if they have one.
Patient's appointment time shown in the Patient Queue
HCP For practitioners, the Patient Queue displays only the following patients:
  • Waiting for me - patients who have an appointment and have arrived.
  • First Available - patients who have arrived, are waiting for an appointment and can be seen by any practitioner.

For non-practitioners, the Patient Queue displays all patients assigned to any HCP or waiting for the First Available appointment. Filter patients by HCP as required.

Healthcare professional the patient will see, shown in the Patient Queue
FA The FA columm displays a flag if the patient requested the first available healthcare professional. When a consultation starts, this changes to the practitioner's name.
First Available column in the Patient Queue