Add New Addresses

Add new contacts to the address book directly or when billing or sending letters.

Before you begin

  • Update Address Book in Settings


To add a new address:
  1. Select User iconuser > Settings iconSettings.
  2. In the Settings window, select Address Book or Billing > Address Book.
  3. On the top-right of the screen click Add iconAddress.
  4. For the Clinical Management Address Book:
    • When adding an individual's contact details, select Individual, for example, Specialist details.
      Clincial Management Address Book Entry for individual
    • When adding an organisation's contact details, select Organisation, for example, a new Laboratory or Hospital.
      Clinical Manager Address Book Entry for organisation
  5. For the Practice Management Address Book, add other businesses.

    Practice Management Address Book entry for business
  6. Click Save to save contact details or Cancel to discard changes.