Add Private Billing Fees

Add private billing fees to Medicare item numbers and set an effective date.

Before you begin

  • Update Fee Schedule

About this task

Add a new fee item and set an effective date in the Edit Fee panel from the Fee Schedules section.


To add a new fee item:
  1. Select User iconuser > Settings iconSettings.
  2. Select Billing > Fee Schedules > Medicare Benefits Schedule > Fee Table.
  3. In the Search field, enter the billing code (if you know it) or search with a keyword of the item to which you want to add a private fee. For example, 23, 715, 10987 and Discharge care.
    Medicare Benefits Schedule - add new fee
  4. Hover your mouse in the Action column and click Edit iconEdit. You are redirected to the Edit Fee panel.
  5. In the Edit Fee panel, from the Schedule list, select Default Schedule.
    Edit fee panel
  6. To add a new fee item, click Add new rate - iconAdd rate.
  7. In the Effective Date calendar, select the date from which the new fee is effective.
  8. Enter the fees required at your practice in the respective fields:
    • Private
    • Pre-Employment
    • Workers Compensation
  9. Click Save.


The new rate is available for billing at the effective date.
If the default billing type for your practice is Private, when you add the MBS item for a private visit, the new private fee is applied.
Default private billing - results

What to do next

To set a default private billing type for your centre, select User iconuser > Settings iconSettings > Centre > Centre Settings > Edit > Billing. For more information, see Configure Default Private Billing Type.

To delete an existing fee item, click Delete.