Retransmit a Batch

Retransmit an already transmitted batch of Medicare claims to Services Australia.

About this task

Retransmit a group of claims from the Transmitted section on the Batch tab.


To retransmit a claim:
  1. Select Claiming, Banking, and Payments iconClaiming, Banking, and Payments > Batch from the menu.
    Batch Menu
  2. From the Status list, select Transmitted. All transmitted patient claims are displayed chronologically.
  3. Expand the transmitted day or date which has an Error message- Icon Error message, indicating that the batch has failed and needs to be retransmitted.
    If there is more than one batch for the selected date, to view the consults included, select and expand the batch number.
  4. Hover your mouse over a batch item and click Re-transmit.


The selected batch is transmitted to Services Australia again.