Edit a Visit from the Batch

Before a consult is batched, you can edit in the visit.

About this task

Edit a patient's Medicare claim from the Unbatched section on the Batch tab.


To edit a unbatched claims:
  1. Select Claiming, Banking, and Payments iconClaiming, Banking, and Payments > Batch from the menu.
    Batch Menu
  2. From the Status list, select Unbatched. All unbatched patient claims are displayed chronologically.
  3. Expand the required date or day and then select the required consult item. Details of the associated visit are displayed.
    If required, make changes in the Code, Amount, Service Fee type, or Service Text fields.
    Helix associated Visit window
  4. To add a new service, enter the required PBS item in the Code field.
  5. To delete a service, hover the mouse over a required item, and then click Delete IconDelete or to undo the changes, click Reset.
  6. To confirm the changes, click Issue and reissue the visit.


The changes are displayed in the Visit panel.