Configure Helix for Sonic Labs

Configure Helix to receive investigation results from Sonic.

Before you begin

If you are an Administrator, after you have obtained the practice's username and password credentials for the Sonic Fetch API, you can configure Helix.

About this task

To configure Helix:


  1. Login to as an Administrator.
  2. Select User icon > Settings iconSettings > Centre > Edit the Centre.
  3. On the Messaging Providers tab, in the Sonic panel, enter the practice's Username and Password details, provided to you by the lab.
  4. Click Save.


Tip: If you enter incorrect credentials, an error is displayed.

After valid Sonic credentials have been entered, the retrieval process will check every 9 minutes for reports to be processed. If there are reports available for the practice, they are retrieved and displayed in the practice's Inbox.