Actions - Deleted Draft Invoices

When you delete a draft invoice, visits, consults, progress notes and reports are affected.

The following table explains the impact on these areas when you delete draft invoices.
Actions Descriptions
Visit-related behaviour
  • The related visit is not automatically deleted.
  • The patient is not removed from the queue.
  • If a visit has only draft invoices associated with it, the related appointments are marked as no payment taken - invoice deleted.
Deleted draft invoices and reporting
  • Deleted draft invoices are displayed in the Daily Visits report.
  • Those draft invoices are shown as Deleted in the report.
  • If a visit had a draft (deleted) invoice and has at a later stage a new invoice (either draft, issued, paid), both entries are shown in the report. Each invoice is a separate line item in the report.
  • The report filter shows draft (deleted) invoices only.
Consults and HCP notes
  • The related consult notes and any other items for this visit are not deleted.
  • The HCP visit and related items for this consult are not affected.