Helix Permissions
Helix has a predefined set of permissions that you can apply to individual users or all members in a group.
Admin permissions
Permission | Description |
All Centres (Head office use only - bypasses centre login and restricts clinic functions) | For head office users who need access to data across all centres
but do not perform clinic-level duties. This permission is required
to update settings that affect all centres at once, such as
importing fee schedules or adding new centres and will show data
across all centres in billing and reports. Note: If a user has this permission, they do not
select a centre when they log in and most clinic-level
functionality is not available to them. For example, this user
cannot record consults, view appointments or the patient queue,
or view recall lists. |
Update Users | Allows a user to add, update and make users inactive. |
Update Roles and Permissions | Allows a user to create and modify roles and their permissions. |
Update User Preferences | Allows a user to configure their ePrescribing and Real Time Prescription Monitoring preferences and recall notification preferences. |
Link Active Directory Users to Accounts | Used by customers who integrate their Active Directory with Helix. Allows these users to search their Active Directory and link their users to Helix users. |
Reset Multi Factor Authentication for Users | Allows a user to reset other users' multi-factor authentication recovery codes. For example, if they lose their phone. |
Update Centre Settings | Allows a user to create, update, activate and deactivate their
own centres and work areas. This permission also allows access to
Recall Management (SMS templates and letter templates related to
recalls for this centre) and Certificates (users can upload certificates and
set company payment options). To update other centres, users need the All Centres (Head office use only - bypasses centre login and restricts clinic functions) permission. |
Update Abbreviations Settings | Allows a user to create, edit and delete abbreviations. |
Update Fee Schedule | Allows a user to add, edit, import and delete billing fee schedules, for both private and Medicare or DVA fees. |
Update Appointment Settings | Allows a user to manage appointment types and practitioner appointment availability settings. |
Update Address Book in Settings | Allows a user to access the address book in Settings to add, edit, update and approve address book entries and deactivate them. Users can also link account holders to an address from Billing. |
Update Document Templates | Allows a user to create, edit and delete letter templates. |
Configure Immunisation Settings | Allows a user to access to configure immunisation schedules, associate diseases with vaccines, manage vaccine settings (including aliases, Medicare vaccine codes, Medicare maximum doses) and add or remove immunisation schedule documents. |
Update Drug Recipes in Settings | Allows a user to manage the global list of drug recipes in ![]() |
View Audit Logs | Allows a user to access the audit logs. |
Set up and send patient SMS | Allows a user to add and edit ad-hoc SMS templates and send ad-hoc SMS messages to patients. |
Appointments permissions
Permission | Description |
View Appointments | Allows a user to view appointments in the appointment book. If users do not also have the Create Appointments permission, their access is read-only and they will not be able to create or edit appointments. |
View All Appointment Books | Allows a user to see appointment books for multiple healthcare providers or if you are a healthcare provider, for other HCPs. If this is not set, HCPs can see only their own appointment book. |
Create Appointments | Allows a user to create appointments or copy and paste appointments. |
Edit Appointments | Allows a user to:
Delete Appointments | Allows a user to delete a future appointment from the appointment book. |
View Patient Queue | Allows a user to view the Patient Queue of visits. |
Update Patient Queue Status, Notes and HCP | Allows a user to update a queued visit including changing the Health Care Provider, updating the status (Waiting/In Consult/Finished Consult/Did not wait) and adding queue notes . |
Billing permissions

Permission | Description |
View Banking Records | Allows a user to view unbalanced, balanced and deposited items. |
Create Invoices and Receipts | Allows a user to create receipts and invoices. |
Create Receipt for all Account Holders | Allows a user to create a receipt for any account holder even if they don't have the Create Invoices and Receipts permission. |
Adjust, Refund or Write Off Invoice | Allows a user to adjust, refund and write off invoices, or change the work area for an invoice. |
Adjust Invoice via Visit | Allows a user to update the invoice for a consult from the
visit list in the ![]() |
Adjust Invoice without Authentication | Adjust a receipt information or reverse an invoice without two factor authentication and witness approval. |
Create Receipts for Medicare | Allows a user to create receipts for Medicare. |
Create and Transmit Medicare Batch | Allows a user to batch a group of claims to Medicare for each healthcare professional at the end of the day, and send the batch to Services Australia. |
Retransmit Medicare Batch | Allows a user to retransmit a batch of Medicare claims to Services Australia, remove a visit from a batch or cancel the batch. |
View Medicare exceptions and retransmit | Allows a user to view Medicare errors and retransmit Medicare claims to Services Australia. |
Adjust Medicare Refunds | Allows a user to retrospectively adjust a claim to a finalised service if instructed to by Services Australia. The user can either delete the claim or edit it to reflect the new claim details. Changes will impact financial reports. |
View Patient Claim | Allows a user to view the list of patient claims in ![]() |
Create Patient Claim | Allows a user to create and transmit patient Medicare claims to Services Australia. |
Transmit Patient Claim | Allows a user to transmit a patient's Medicare claim to Services Australia. |
View Workers Compensation Claims | Allows a user to view all workers compensation claims and filter the list by status. |
Select all Centres in Workers Compensation Processing List | |
Release Workers Compensation Claims | Allows a user to release workers compensation visits and follow ups. |
Adjust Workers Compensation Invoice (Bulk) | Allows a user to update a workers compensation invoice. |
Update Workers Compensation Claim Status | Allows a user to update the status of workers compensation claims. |
Print and Send Workers Compensation Invoice | Allows a user to send or reprint workers compensation invoices. |
Update Workers Compensation Billing Items (After Followup) | Allows a user to
update the items for a workers compensation consult from the
visit list in the ![]() |
View Immunisation Batch Summary | Allows a user to access the Immunisations section in Billing to view immunisations for transmission to AIR. |
Update Immunisation Batch Summary | Allows a user to reset the error status of immunisation transmissions to the AIR. Users must also have the View Immunisation Batch Summary permission. |
Clinical Settings permissions
Permission | Description |
View Timeline | Allows a user to view a patient's timeline. Specific artefacts in the timeline, such as consult notes and prescriptions and so on, may have separate viewing permission dependencies. |
View Health Summary | Allows a user to view the Health Summary panel, including family and social history, alcohol, BMI, nutrition, physical activity, and smoking information. |
Update Health Summary | Allows a user to edit information in the Health Summary panel, including family and social history, alcohol, BMI, nutrition, physical activity, and smoking information.. |
View Medications | Allows a user to view medications, prescriptions, extemporaneous preparations, and drug information, interactions and allergens. |
Update Medications | Allows users with a prescriber number to create and send prescriptions, edit the details, and cease prescriptions. This permission also allows a user to add a medication record, such as medication history or started elsewhere. |
View Medication Charts | Allows a user to view and print a medication chart. |
Update Medication Charts | Allows a user to create and update a medication chart. |
Update Drug Recipes | Create an extemporaneous preparation (drug recipe) and view the list of recipes in the Medications panel. |
View Conditions | Allows a user to view conditions in the | panel.
Update Conditions | Allows a user to update conditions in the View Conditionspermission is also required. | panel. The
View Immunisations | Allows a user to view the | panel.
Update Immunisations | Allows a user with a provider number or ancilliary provider
number recorded in Helix to
record, update and delete immunisation information in the panel. If users do not have this permission, Add Immunisation may still be visible, but no operation occurs. |
View Consults | Allows a user to view the Consult panel.
Tip: This
permission enables the ![]() |
View Consult Notes | Allows a user to view consult notes in the patient timeline. Confidential notes are displayed to the author only. |
Update Consults | Allows a user to start a consult, add and edit consults in the Consult panel, and use smart functions (\abbreviation) in the consult notes. Users can also add a comment to a patient timeline entry. |
Update Examinations | Allows a user to update | .
Create Confidential Consult Notes | Allows a user to mark notes for a consult as confidential in the patient timeline, so that only they can see the notes. Users can also remove the confidential status for consult notes that they have added. |
Administer Confidential Consult Notes for All Users | Allows a user to view the contents
of a confidential consult note in the patient timeline,
regardless of the author. If users do not have this permission, when viewing another user’s confidential consult notes in the patient timeline, the details of the note are obfuscated: xxxxxx is displayed for the consult note; the reason for visit and comments are hidden. Users with both Administer
Confidential Consult Notes for All Users and
Create Confidential Consult Notes
This permission is enabled for the System Administrator role by default. |
Start Consult from Queue | Allows a user to start a consult from the patient queue. |
View Allergies | Allows a user to view the allergies list on the patient header. |
Update Allergies and Med Precautions | Allows a user to add, modify and delete allergies, nil known status and medication precautions, such as, Gluten Intolerant, Elite Sportsperson, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding. The View Allergies permission is also required. |
View Pathology and Imaging Requests | Allows a user to view and print imaging and pathology requests from | , or .
Update Pathology and Imaging Requests | Allows a user to create, edit or delete imaging requests from | , or create and delete pathology requests from .
Assign Result | Allows a user to assign an HCP to an inbox item from the Message Centre or Timeline. |
View Letters | Allows a user to view letters in the Patient Timeline and Outbox panel. The View Patient permission is also required. |
Print Letters | Allows a user to print a letter when they create it. The View Letters permission is also required. If the user also has the View Patient permission, they can reprint the letter later from the patient timeline. |
Create Letters | From a consult, allows a user to create a letter that includes clinical information, such as medications and allergies. For example, letter, referral letter, paper assessment, medical certifcate. |
Email Letter | Allows a user to email a letter. |
Create Letters on behalf of HCP | If enabled, a user can create a letter on behalf of a health care professional. Users are prompted to select the name of the HCP for whom they are authoring the letter. |
View Measurements | Allows a user to view and record new measurements from | .
Update Device Measurements | Allows a user to import data from a connected device, such as an ECG. |
View Assessments | Allows a user to view in the timeline that a particular assessment was done. To view details of the assessment in the Update Assessments is also required. | panel,
Update Assessments | Allows a user to create, update and print assessments recorded in the | panel and to view the contents of an assessment from the patient timeline.
View Nursing Request | Allows a user to view a nursing request in the ![]() |
Update Nursing Request | Allows a user to create and print a nursing request from the | panel.
View Care Plans | In Current Care Plan section. | , allows users to view the
View Mental Health Care Plans | Allows a user to view the GP Mental Health Treatment Plan in the CDM (Chronic Disease Management) panel. |
Update Care Plans | Enables CDM (Chronic Disease Management) panel and provide feedback on care plans. | so that users can create and review care plans in the
Create Care Plan on behalf of HCP | If enabled, a user can create a care plan on behalf of a health care professional. Users are prompted to select the name of the HCP for whom they are authoring the care plan. |
View Obstetrics and Gynaecology Measurements | Set with the Update Obstetrics and Gynaecology permission to allow a user to include obstetric information in letters. |
Update Obstetrics and Gynaecology | Allows a user to update a patient's obstetric and gynaecological information from the Consult panel. The View Obstetrics and Gynaecology permission is also required. |
Message centre permissions
Permission | Description |
View Results | Allows a user to view results, such as pathology and imaging, referrals and incoming letters, in the timeline and the Inbox of the Message Centre. Users can also print an inbox item and add results to a letter. |
Action Results | Allows a user to action a result from the inbox. Without this permission, the Follow up, Recall, Urgent Recall, Discussed and No Action Required buttons are not available. |
Delete Inbox Items | Allows a user to delete and restore items from the inbox. |
Update Inbox Comments | Allows a user to add comments to an inbox item. |
View Scanned Documents | Allows a user to view the uploaded and scanned documents in the Document Management System. |
Update Documents | Allows a user to upload a document, match to a patient, assign to an HCP and update the document details. |
Delete Documents | Allows a user to delete a document from the Document Management System. |
Upload File from Device | Allows a user to upload files to and download files from the DMS. |
View Recalls | Allows a user to view recalls in a consult and view the recall list in the Message Centre, including urgent recalls. Users can also add comments to recalls. |
View Recall Medical Notes | Allows a user to view medical notes in the recall editor for urgent recalls. |
Update Recalls | Allows a user to create, defer, complete and remove recalls. Users also require the View Recalls permission and the View Recall Medical Notes permission for urgent recalls. |
View Outbox List | Allows a user to view the list of message items. |
View Outbox Item |
Allows a user to view the document content of the selected row item. |
Patients permissions
Permission | Description |
View Patient | Allows a user to view patient demographics. This permission is required to view the patient timeline and health summary. |
View Patient Clinical View | If enabled and a patient is selected, this displays the healthline, timeline and consult panels by default. If not enabled, this displays the visit panel expanded by default. Enable for any users performing consultations. |
Create Patient | Allows a user to create a new patient. |
Update Patient | Allows a user to update a patient's demographic details. |
Decease Patient | Allows a user to set a patient to deceased. |
Extract Patients | Allows a user to extract a patient record including
demographics, health summary and timeline information between
two dates. Users must also have the Patient Management permission. |
Patient Management | Allows a user to access | , where they can manage duplicate patients, extract patient records, and define patient status (active/inactive status) for the health centre.
View Patient Metadata Stores | Not visible by default. Allows a user to view the patient metadata stores used for particular customers. |
Create Patient Metadata Stores | Not visible by default. Allows a user to create the patient metadata stores used for particular customers. This API service stores key/value pairs against a patient with categories, such as measurements and allergies, and subcategories, such as height and weight, and dates so that the key/value pairs can be queried later. |
Edit Patient Metadata Stores | Not visible by default. Allows a user to edit the patient metadata stores. |
Delete Patient Metadata Stores | Not visible by default. Allows a user to delete patient metadata stores. |
Reports permissions
Permission | Description |
View Billing Reports | Allows users to access billing-related reports, such as transactions, oustanding balances, bulk billing and adjustments. |
View Day Sheet Reports | Allows users to access day sheet reports, such as receipts, visits, daily figures, My Health Record uploads, and so on. |
View General Reports | Allows users to access general reports, such as patient details, appointment book settings, and so on. |
View Clinical Reports | Allows users to access the medical filters on patient reports, such as condition search. |
View Prescription Reports | Allows users to access reports related to medications. |
View Immunisation Reports | Allows users to access immunisation reports. Users must also have Prescription Reports enabled. |
Visits permissions
Permission | Description |
Create Visits and Arrive Appointments | Allows a user to create a visit and
add the visit to the queue or not, depending on if the patient
will have a consult today. Also allows a user to mark
appointments as arrived and view the transaction
history for a patient. Tip: This permission enables the
floating navigation bar. |
Update Visits and Billing Items | Allows a user to modify a visit's work area, date of service, HCP and billing type. This permission is required to add billing items to a visit. |
Waive Credit Card Surcharge | If the user also has Access data across all centres set, allows the user to adjust default visit items. |