EasyClaim with Tyro

After a patient has paid for their consult in full, a Medicare claim can be processed through Easyclaim or submitted to Services Australia.

About this task

After receiving full payment from the patient via EFTPOS, receipting is completed automatically, that is, a tax invoice and receipt are generated. A claim can then be submitted for the patient to Medicare using EasyClaim. Services Australia deposits the refund directly into the patient's bank account.
Payment can be made by cash, however, issuing receipts will be manual and you cannot use Easyclaim to claim a refund.


To claim through EasyClaim:
  1. In the Refund/Claim method field, set Easyclaim (EFTPOS).
    Claim Option - EasyClaim
    Easyclaim (EFTPOS) cannot be used for DVA, child immunisations, in-hospital services and complex pathology claiming.
  2. To submit a claim, click Transmit.
  3. Follow the instructions on the screen.


The claim is submitted to Services Australia.

What to do next

Unsuccessful claims are listed on the Pending claims tab. For more information, see Unsuccessful Patient Claims.

Transmitted claims are listed on the Transmitted tabTransmitted claims tab. If required, you can print the required transmitted claims. For more information, see Print or Download Transmitted Claims.