Medicare Receipting

When a payment has been received from Services Australia, receipting can be performed.

About this task

Pay the invoices of Medicare Receipting from Receipt section.


To perform the Medicare Receipting:
  1. Select Claiming, Banking, and Payments IconClaiming, Banking, and Payments > Receipt from the menu.
    Receipts Tab
  2. In the Receipt panel, select Medicare Receipting from the list.
    Medicare Receipting
  3. In the Centre field, select a centre from the list.
  4. In the Search by ref # field, enter the reference number (batch number) for the batch that was sent to Services Australia.
    The batch is displayed in the Medicare Receipting section.
  5. To display the associated items, click the batch.
  6. To add the items you want in the Payment section, click Add to PaymentAdd to Payment.
  7. In the Receipting Centre field, select a receipting centre from the list.
  8. In the Reference field, enter a reference number for the payment.
    This is mandatory and supplied by Services Australia.
  9. In the Payment section, select the payment type:
    • Direct Deposit - IconDirect Deposit and Cheque - IconCheque are available for Services Australia payments.
    • To complete a payment, enter the required bank details.
  10. In the Pay field, enter the payment amount.
  11. To pay the amount, click Pay.


A record of the paid batch item is displayed in the Bank tab and in the Transaction History section. For more information, see Banking and Transaction History.